DIY Home Decor

Dining Room Table Redo!

I knew I was taking on a lot…but my old World Market table was making me so unhappy!  The table and chairs are super sturdy and great wood to work with, but the stain is so dark.   I was planning to sand and rough up the finish so that I could paint it.  However, once I started sanding the finish and stain off I saw beautiful wood.  So, I sanded down the top of the table and seats of all six chairs.  I applied a light honey walnut stain to bring out the grain in the natural wood.  Then I painted the legs of the table and rest of the chairs a light off white finish called Botany Beige.

So here we are!  Having six chairs to do became pretty repetitive, but it was worth it!  I love the new look.  After adding the stain, I applied a polyacrylic matte finish to protect the wood.  I am going to apply the same to the chairs once the paint has some time to dry.  I hope this inspires you to give some old furniture in your home a new look to bring it back to life!